Rubber Inmate
It came as it had to come. I was sentenced by a recognized court. I was accused of numerous offenses. Disrespect of the female sex, permanent cheating in marriage, daily masturbation. The list is endless and reads like that of a felon. Like a hypnotized rabbit, I stared at the latex-wrapped breasts of the judge who read my sentence. Meanwhile, the handcuffs clicked, and two bailiffs dressed in latex uniforms led me out of the courtroom. The sentence should accompany me until the end of my life. Chastity forever. I should never again lay hands on myself or anyone else. My sexuality, or better what remains of it, is now administered by the ladies of Black Fun. They also execute another judgment, a forced rubberfication for an indefinite period of time. So I shall learn to live again in harmony with the beautiful world of women. More precisely, I am now a desperate, chaste latex convict who ekes out his existence in a special suit.
A rubber-prison of extremes. Depending on mood and degree of punishment, I am force-fixed in it. There are no limits to my rubber educator and her creativity. To my suffering, she constantly increases the degree of fixation. As if in a trance state, she realizes her bondage fantasies on me. Soon my hands are crossed behind my back, and she changes the bondage position to that of a classic straitjacket. My feelings in the convict outfit are characterized by powerlessness, fear but also eroticism and horniness. Slowly I gain pleasure from this prescribed rubber drill, an alternating bath of excitement and humility.
There I lay now in my padded cell, left to fate, like a heap of misfortune. I had barely slept through the night when I opened my eyes the next morning. Only dimly, I recognized through the perforation of my latex mask the outlines of an indescribably beautiful rubber mistress. Clinging tightly to her plump latex décolleté, she pressed a DIN A 4 clipboard and guarded it like the holy grail. On it was written my further life as a convicted rubber prisoner. In detail and comprehensively, she read me the most important steps of my re-education. Nothing was to remain of my former world view and the former image of women. The team of Rubber Prison Black Fun is highly motivated and will do a fantastic job on me. They want to drive the upright walk out of me, which would only have something to do with my past. Crawling, on all fours, I will move from now on. Never again at the eye level of a beautiful woman. Boot licking and eating from the bowl belong from now on to my trained rules of behavior.
More and more I understand what is happening to me. Brainwashed in a totalitarian rubber regime, dehumanized, raised to a will-less latex puppet. Point by point, according to education protocol, I remove myself from the guy I once was to the desired creature. Strangely managed without self-respect, but happy, I lie at the feet of my mistress.
I am the "Rubber Inmate" of Black Fun.
For more information call us at +49 163 344 55 56